Assenty: Our Story So Far

Chi-chi Ekweozor (@thisischichi) is a social media marketer turned front end developer and software engineer. She started Assenty in January 2016 after witnessing firsthand the difficulty in prioritising questions submitted when the audience at a conference was invited to send in questions for the speakers via SMS.
Assenty was initially designed to solve the problem of answering questions submitted at events. Following feedback from early users, it has involved into the only audience interaction and polling platform that brings people together around an event by inviting engagement on digital platforms before it happens. A lot of thought, painstaking care and attention to detail to what event organisers want from a Q&A platform has been poured in to it: you could say it was made with love in Manchester, UK!
Unlike other apps that are constrained to use at the event alone, Assenty invites audience interaction before, during and after the event, be it in-person, virtual or a hybrid of the two. It is designed to spark conversations and buzz online; check out our multi-platform polling feature! Using it is simplicity itself: just visit a link - no app download required.
If you'd like to follow Assenty's journey, please keep an eye on the blog!